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Business Plan
Instalment Plan A-2 Years
S.No Sq.Ft Consideration
Instalment Sales Expexted
Growth of
Acc. Benefit
Mly Qty Hly Yearly
1 300 2,400 100 295 590 1,180 2,800 2,800
2 600 4,800 200 590 1,190 2,360 5,600 5,600
3 900 7,200 300 885 1,770 3,540 8,400 8,400
4 1,200 9,600 400 1,180 2,370 4,720 11,200 11,200
5 1,500 12,000 500 1,475 2,950 5,900 14,000 14,000
6 1,800 14,000 600 1,770 3,545 7,080 16,800 16,800
7 2,100 16,800 700 2,065 4,130 8,260 19,600 19,600
8 2,400 19,200 800 2,360 4,725 9,440 22,400 22,400
9 2,700 21,600 900 2,655 5,310 10,620 25,200 25,200
10 3,000 24,000 1,000 2,950 5,905 11,800 28,000 28,000
Instalment Plan B-3 Years
S.No Sq.Ft Consideration
Instalment Sales Expexted
Growth of
Acc. Benefit
Mly Qty Hly Yearly
1 400 7,200 200 590 1,160 2,300 9,000 10,800
2 800 10,800 300 885 1,740 3,450 13,500 16,200
3 1,200 10,800 500 1,475 2,900 5,750 22,500 27,000
4 1,600 36,000 1,000 2,950 5,800 11,500 45,000 54,000
5 2,000 64,000 1,500 4,425 8,700 17,250 67,500 81,000
6 2,400 72,000 2,000 5,900 11,600 23,000 90,000 1,00,000
Instalment Plan C-4 Years
S.No Sq.Ft Consideration
Instalment Sales Expexted
Growth of
Acc. Benefit
Mly Qty Hly Yearly
1 600 4,800 100 295 580 1,180 6,000 6,000
2 1,200 9,600 200 590 1,170 2,360 12,000 12,000
3 1,800 14,400 300 885 1,730 3,540 18,000 18,000
4 2,400 19,200 400 1,180 2,310 4,720 24,000 24,000
5 3,000 24,000 500 1,475 2,900 5,900 30,000 30,000
6 3,600 28,800 600 1,770 3,470 7,080 36,000 36,000
7 4,200 33,600 700 2,065 4,050 8,260 42,000 42,000
8 4,800 38,400 800 2,360 4,630 9,440 48,000 48,000
9 5,400 43,200 900 2,655 5,210 10,620 54,000 54,000
10 6,000 48,000 1,000 2,950 5,800 11,800 60,000 60,000
Instalment Plan D-5 Years
S.No Sq.Ft Consideration
Instalment Sales Expexted
Growth of
Acc. Benefit
Mly Qty Hly Yearly
1 700 12,000 200 590 1,160 2,300 18,000 18,000
2 1,400 18,000 300 885 1,740 3,450 27,000 27,000
3 2,100 30,000 500 1,475 2,900 5,750 45,000 45,000
4 2,800 60,000 1,000 2,950 5,800 11,500 90,000 90,000
5 3,500 90,000 1,500 4,425 8,700 17,250 1,35,000 1,35,000
6 4,200 1,20,000 2,000 5,900 11,600 23,000 1,80,000 1,80,000
Instalment Plan D-5-1 Years
S.No Consideration
Instalment Sales Expexted
Growth of
Acc. Benefit
Mly Qty Hly Yearly
1 6,000 100 300 590 1,175 8,000 12,000
2 12,000 200 600 1,180 2,350 16,000 20,000
3 18,000 300 900 1,770 3,525 24,000 28,000
4 24,000 400 1,200 2,360 4,700 32,000 36,000
5 30,000 500 1,500 2,950 5,875 40,000 44,000
6 36,000 600 1,800 3,540 7,050 48,000 52,000
7 42,000 700 2,100 4,130 8,225 56,000 60,000
8 48,000 800 2,400 4,720 9,400 64,000 68,000
9 54,000 900 2,700 5,310 10,575 72,000 76,000
10 60,000 1,000 3,000 5,900 11,750 80,000 84,000
Instalment Plan D-5-5 Years
S.No Consideration
Instalment Sales Expexted
Growth of
Acc. Benefit
Mly Qty Hly Yearly
1 33,000 500 1,475 2,900 6,225 44,000 50,000
2 39,600 600 1,770 3,480 7,470 53,000 48,000
3 46,200 700 2,065 4,060 8,715 62,000 68,000
4 52,800 800 2,360 4,640 9,960 70,000 76,000
5 59,400 900 2,655 5,220 11,205 79,000 85,000
6 66,000 1,000 2,950 5,800 12,450 88,000 94,000
7 99,000 1,500 4,425 8,700 18,675 1,32,000 1,50,000
8 1,32,000 2,000 5,900 1,16,000 24,900 1,75,000 1,50,000
Land Purchase Cash Dowm Plan 6 Years
S.No Consideration Amount Expexted Growth of Return Acc. Benefit
1 5,000 10,000 10,000
2 10,000 20,000 20,000
3 15,000 30,000 30,000
4 20,000 40,000 40,000
5 25,000 50,000 50,000
6 30,000 60,000 60,000
7 40,000 80,000 80,000
8 50,000 1,00,000 1,00,000
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